Nov 5, 2012


We know what we like when we see it, but sometimes coming up with the "idea" is much more difficult. I feel that way about designing a room in our home. I know by magazine pictures what I would love to see in one of our rooms, but can't seem to put it together on my own. This is a difficult task for me to do - come up with ideas when it comes to decorating.....

But not when it comes to cookies! I love the challenge of new ideas, designs that are pleasing to the eye as well as delicious in the mouth:) I am an avid "researcher" when it comes to my cookies - always looking for new ideas, designs, flavors. Sometimes the articles and pictures I peruse are not even cookie-related. They may be articles on teas, coffees, cupcakes, etc. that spark an idea in my mind. to the kitchen I go, baking and "testing" the new item. You know, of course, my sweet husband Stephen is one of my testers:) He kindly eats the ones I "break" as well!

Here is an idea adapted from a Japanese pastry chef. I altered her technique, as I found it to be cumbersome and time-consuming. I call them "Swirly Design" French Macarons, but I'm sure there is a more creative name out there somewhere:) They require just a little more work than normal, so the price per dozen is $15.00 vs. the "classic" typical macaron which is $12.00. Just one more way to add a little sparkle to your order.

Some ideas on when to buy them?  Order a red and white swirl for Christmas (or any color for that matter). I think they also go well with a spring/summer birthday party for children. I'm sure there are more ideas, but these are just a few. And please ask about other colors I can use to produce these swirly confections!

Please place your order for Christmas and the holidays soon! I get booked very quickly and already have Christmas orders scheduled.



  1. Beautiful! I'd called them marbled. I wonder what other names people would come up with?

  2. Perfect, Deb! I love the name:) Thank you!
